Did you know the Library has a collection of useful items that you can borrow? Just like books or DVDs, you can check out many of these items for in-home use. 也许你只是在一个短期项目中需要它们,或者你想在自己购买之前试用一下. Check out our non-traditional collection below, or browse by category.
控制好你的健康. 学习皇冠8868会员登录测量血压, 了解数字的重要性, Natrona县的资源. Patrons may keep anything except the blood pressure cuff and the toolbox.
科技 & 视频游戏
Our new in-library laptop features Adobe Creative Suite, Audacity, and Canva Pro. Perfect for patrons interested in photo and video editing, this resource offers professional tools right at your fingertips.
需要带一台笔记本电脑进入我们的一个小会议室,但你自己没有笔记本电脑? Chromebooks are available for checkout at the 2nd floor reference desk for in-library use. The Acer Chromebook is the ideal laptop for all ages.
With Wifi2Go, you can check out free mobile hotspots for at-home use. These portable WiFi hotspots allow you to connect up to 15 mobile enabled devices (laptop, 智能手机, 平板电脑, 等.) to the Internet wherever Verizon networks are available.
Trying to cut down on media clutter in your house, or want to try out a new video game before buying it? 我们有儿童游戏, 青少年, 以及各种游戏机上的成年人:Xbox One, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, 任天堂Wii游戏机, 任天堂Wii U, 和任天堂Switch.
The tennis kit comes with 2 adult tennis racquets 还有一个拉绳背包. 这个网球装备是与怀俄明州网球协会合作提供的,以纪念国家网球月(五月).
The tennis kit comes with 2 child-sized Net Generation racquets, 3网际网球, 还有一个拉绳背包. 这个网球装备是在合作提供与怀俄明州网球协会在全国网球月的荣誉.
Explore big beautiful 怀俄明 through the Check-out State Parks library program! 怀俄明州有丰富的娱乐机会,我们希望这个项目能激发人们在户外的学习和冒险.
Fits in your glove compartment or under your seat, yet strong enough to start any 12 volt battery on gas and diesel engines up to a V8. This product is safe and easy to use with motorcycles, cars, SUVs, trucks, and RVs.
音乐 & Video
The Optoma PRO160S is the ideal projector for multiple usages in business and education. 凭借HDMI输入和3D功能,PRO160S已准备好应对任何演示挑战.
讨人喜欢的光线创造完美的内容. Customize height, angle, and brightness to illuminate and elevate your pictures and videos. 将无绳环灯折叠,并将其可充电电池装入手提箱中,以便在任何地方轻松创建专业内容, 任何时候.
The Toshiba DVD and VHS recorder/converter lets you copy from tape to disc, 反之亦然,只要按一下按钮, and enhances DVD picture quality to near HD with 1080p upconversion via HDMI.
从克罗斯利电台Dansette百慕大2-Speed转盘配备了皮带驱动机制和动态全范围立体声扬声器. It features a diamond stylus needle and a matching stand. The Bluetooth connectivity ensures a wireless operation.
便携式USB外置DVD刻录机和驱动器从LG允许您读取和写入DVD和cd与您的电脑. This drive connects to your Windows or Mac computer via USB. It features 8x DVD and 24x CD read and write speeds.
带AM/FM收音机的Magnavox MCD Boom Box小巧,可以插入墙壁插座或由6c电池供电(不包括在内),所以无论你是外出还是在家听有声读物,你都可以听你最喜欢的cd. .
This all-wood uke features a poplar top, back, and sides that are resonant. A pine neck with laurel fingerboard is playable and responsive, 理想的探索和弦上下脖子. 这是一把很棒的入门级尤克里里琴.
This all-wood uke features a poplar top, back, and sides that are resonant. A pine neck with laurel fingerboard is playable and responsive, 理想的探索和弦上下脖子. 这是一把很棒的入门级四弦琴.
这款数码相机和镜头将帮助正在寻找易于使用的相机的摄影师创造他们的下一个杰作. The Canon EOS Rebel T3i is a compact DSLR that boasts easy operation, 紧凑的设计, 不妥协的性能.
这个小, easy-to-operate camera comes equipped with photo and video capabilities, 支持高达4800万图像分辨率和4K视频分辨率-使您的照片和视频录制更清晰,更流畅!
A flexible Tripod and Mount for Smartphones from iPhone SE to iPhone 8 Plus, 谷歌像素, 三星Galaxy S8和更多. 它具有通用的智能手机兼容性和橡胶脚握把和更宽的下巴更稳定.
Looking to show off some old family photos slides? 柯达Carousel 4200投影仪为您提供清晰,明亮的图像和安静,可靠的操作. It accepts 2-by-2-inch slides in either 80- or 140- slide trays.
This 61″ full size camera tripod includes the tripod, 柔软的手提箱, 还有一个方便的摄像头安装板. 它的重量只有3磅,并提供了一个3向的panhead,用于水平和垂直拍照.
This versatile tripod fits a variety of devices well, 包括手机, 傻瓜相机和其他小型相机. 三脚架配有一个坚固的平板支架. Perfect for video, photographers, live streaming, and family gatherings.
Upscale your photography with lighting and backgrounds. This convertible stand can be used as a light stand, a boom, or as a reflector holder. As a reflector holder, it works well with our 2 collapsible backgrounds.
Makey Makey STEM Pack
Perfect for classrooms, schools, districts, workshop teachers, 和更多的. The Makey Makey STEM Kit is a distillation of 12 Makey Makeys, 12个增压包, and some extra parts for when you want to invent something even bigger.
Code & 走吧机器老鼠
使用30张双面编码卡为可编程机器人鼠标创建一步一步的路径,以提供对编码概念的动手介绍. The mouse lights up, makes sounds, and features 2 speeds along with colorful buttons.
Code & Go机器人鼠标活动集
使用此学习资源活动集, 建造你的迷宫, 然后使用编码卡为代码和Go机器人鼠标创建一步一步的路径. Program the sequence of steps, and then watch the mouse race to find the cheese!
鼓励孩子在玩耍时进行实验, 锻炼重要的技能,比如解决问题, 计划和排序, 和更多的. 学龄前儿童可以拧下毛毛虫各个部分的刻度盘来创建一个序列,并让他们的伙伴沿着设定的路径前进.
针对2-5年级的STEM季节性挑战提供了一个有趣的方式来加强STEM在课堂上的学习. This boxed set includes 30 challenge cards—each card is seasonally- or holiday-themed.
STEM Challenges for grades 2-5 provides a fun way to enhance STEM learning in the classroom. 这套盒装套装包括30张挑战卡,正面包括挑战和完成挑战所需材料的视觉列表.
栈的精密铣, 实心松木KEVA板创建建筑物, 纪念碑和几何形状. Its the ideal activity to help kids gain an understanding of balance and proportion, 还有对建筑的兴趣, 建筑与设计.
With 72 cubes consisting of 3 different designs to be used as scaffolding, 坡道, 路径, 还有更多, this playset is perfect for any anyone looking to improve hand-eye coordination, 用基础物理解决问题, 以及规划能力.
Build your own computer; learn to code with 100’s of creative challenges and stories; and make art, 游戏, 和音乐. 适合6岁以上的年轻程序员
For younger kids, we also offer 早教背包. Each of those kits is themed and typically includes several picture books, 2 - 4个教育游戏或玩具, 以及活动指南.
Baby Lock Zest combines traditional machine construction like a metal, 15级筒管系统和内部铸造, 有一个易于遵循的针迹选择指南. 你会发现所有你的基本针脚,如直,之字形,盲下摆和拉伸针.
可靠耐用, the BL9 Baby Lock Sewing Machine has a variety of stitches and adjustable stitch lengths, plus a free arm to easily reach hard-to-sew-areas. Features include snap-on accessory feet for buttonholes, zigzags, and darning.
CombBind & 绑定供应
采用全金属装订系统的塑料梳状装订工艺,可装订500页厚的文件. 可调节标准或超大盖板, this system is ideal for the professional and high-traffic setting. 包括两本精装书的耗材.
Go old school with this throwback overhead projector, 把你想要的任何东西(只要是用透明纸打印的)投射到白色的屏幕或墙上. 有些人甚至称之为“遗迹”。.
Items for Patrons with Memory Loss or Developmental Disabilities
这个治疗板将日常用品集中在一个吸引人的便携位置,以便患有失忆的亲人可以在平静的环境中继续练习可识别的活动. The board was designed to maintain the dignity of aging adults.
让你爱的人更容易回忆起积极的回忆,享受与家人共度的美好时光, 朋友和照顾者的心灵召唤, a communication game developed especially for people living with dementia.
一个托盘拼图有一个难点, durable board that acts as a place to store the puzzle, 以及汇编指南. When the thick puzzle pieces are removed from the tray, 一个完成的图像可以看到印刷在托盘上. 套件包括4个拼图.